Use Cases of reports in Report Builder

Use Cases of reports in Report Builder

Whether you are a scrum master, product owner, team or project lead – you need to know what your teams' capacities look like and track progresses.

By using Report Builder and the module Reports you will be able to:

  • Quickly generate reports with ready-to-use templates

  • Get an overview for a specific project, users and issues with multiple filtering options

  • Organize your team’s workload efficiently and avoid overcharging their workload

  • Establish a useful connection between spent time and project or teams

  • Export your reports to CSV or PDF


Users can create personal timesheets to track their sum of total hours.

Have users create personal timesheets for their worklogs. Afterwards, team or project leads can easily create reports with those timesheets, to see how many billable hours did get logged for a specific project/client and will have the option to excerpt and export invoices.

Users create personal timesheets for their worklogs. Team or project leads can create reports to see work distribution in the team and make adjustments.

Users create personal timesheets in My Timesheets. Team or project leads create reports to check response time (and SLAs in general), workload and productivity. They can respond to problematic tickets and compare months or quarters with SLAs.

Users create personal timesheets, with which managers will be able to create reports to see

  • time estimations

  • problematic tickets or barriers in the workflow

  • high priorities

Managers therefore can respond early to problems in communication or prioritization.

Employees create personal timesheets. Team or project leads can create reports, by creating open-source Scripted Reports. They can customize their internal report by adding new fields.


Read more about Reports.