Report permissions

Report permissions

There are three different user permissions in Report Builder:

  • Owner

  • Editor

  • Viewer


If a user has the owner permission rights, they can:

  1. Create a new report

  2. Change and save input parameters

  3. Clone an existing report

  4. Share a report

  5. Assign permission levels to the shared report


If a user has the editor permission rights on a shared report, they can:

  1. Change input parameters but can not save these changes

  2. Clone a shared report and save it as a new report

If an Editor wants to save changes to the input parameters, they have to clone the report, change the input parameters and save it as a new report. By doing so, they become the “owner” of the new report.


If a user has the viewer permission rights on a shared report, they can:

  1. View the shared report, but can not change any input parameters

  2. Clone a shared report and save it as a new report

If a viewer wants to change the input parameters of a shared report, they have to clone the report, change the input parameters, and save it as a new report. By doing so, they become the “owner” of the new report.