Status distribution report

Status distribution report


The Status distribution report allows you to analyze, how many issues are in each status in your project or even on the whole instance. This report can help you to plan you work accordingly and to see where most of the issues are blocked. This report could be interesting as an addition to Workload report

The default report configuration is available when you create a new Status distribution report. All you need to do to get a report is to select the scope for which the report will be built. At the same time, the default configuration can be changed at any time, so feel free to change the order of the content, add new values or change representation (chart) type.

Using the report

First look

This template has all the necessary settings, selected rows and measures. To build a basic report, you can select the scope of projects, issues, etc. Based on this selection, the report will be built.

You will see a blank screen that asks you to select data. Once selected, the blank screen will be replaced by a chart with the data.

Please expand "Get Data" on the left and click the "Scope" field.


You will see the basic search fields. Here you can select some projects, tasks or filters, for which report will then be generated.


Once you select the scope, click “Apply filtering” in the top right corner to save your selection.

After saving, you will see the generated report on the right.

If you want to customize your report by adding new rows, changing their order, or adding new calculated measures, read Status distribution report | Customizing the report part of this article.

By default, the report has the following configuration: The report is built as a pie chart and contains Count of issues grouped by Status.

Customizing the report

Remove values

To remove a field, please click on x icon near dimention.

Add a new value

To add a new value, please click on “+ Add a field”.

Changing chart type

By default, the report is created as a bar chart. You can change this type at any time. The following formats are available:

  • Pivot

  • Simple table (list)

  • Pie chart

  • Doughnut chart

  • Number

  • Bar chart

To select a different chart type, expand “Set Chart” and click on the field or arrow icon.

Please select your preferred chart in the open modal dialog.

After that please select required dimentions in “Set data“ section.