Dashboard Gadgets: Adding, editing, deleting

Dashboard Gadgets: Adding, editing, deleting

This guide will walk you through the process of adding report gadgets to your Jira dashboards. The instructions are divided into two sections, one for Jira Cloud and one for Jira Data Center.

Jira Cloud

The Report Builder in Jira Cloud provides two types of gadgets you can add to your dashboards:

  • Report Builder: Universal Report

  • Report Builder: Scripted Report

The following instructions detail how to add and configure these gadgets on an empty dashboard. The steps are the same for both new and existing dashboards.

Finding Available Gadgets

To locate the available gadgets, use the search function on the Jira dashboard as illustrated in the screenshot below:

How to find Report Builder dashboard gadgets in Jira Cloud

Once you've added a gadget, you'll need to configure it. Below, you'll find detailed steps on how to configure each type of gadget.

Universal Report Gadget

Adding the Gadget

To add the Universal Report gadget to your dashboard:

  1. Click the "Add" button as shown in the screenshot below:

The Universal Report Gadget will appear on your dashboard based on the layout you've predefined for the dashboard.

2. Configure your report by applying data filters, selecting the visualization type and style, and then save your report as shown below:

For further information on creating a Universal Report, follow the detailed guide linked here. The only difference in this process is the naming step. To name your Universal Report Gadget click the "rename" button, which can be found in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget.

3. Once you've configured your report, remember to click the "save" button to finalize your changes:

Your report will be saved and automatically update the dashboard as shown below:

Editing the Gadget

To edit the gadget, click the "Configure" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget:

Deleting the Gadget

To delete the gadget, click the "Delete" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget:

Scripted Report Gadget

Adding the Gadget

To add the Scripted Report gadget to your dashboard:

  1. Click the "Add" button as shown in the screenshot below:


The Scripted Report Gadget will appear on your dashboard based on the layout you've predefined for the dashboard.

2. Select which Scripted Report you'd like to add, as illustrated in the screenshot below:


You can choose from the scripted reports already available on your reports dashboard, or create a new report using gallery templates.

To add a pre-existing report, search for it under the "Scripted report" dropdown list as shown below:

To create a report from a gallery template, scroll down to the "gallery reports" list as shown below:

3. Once you've selected a report, adjust the report filtering options and click the "save" button:

4. To name your Scripted Report gadget click the "rename" button, which can be found in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget:


5. Your configured dashboard should now look like the following:

Editing the Gadget

To edit the gadget, click the "Configure" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget::


Deleting the Gadget

To delete the gadget, click the "Delete" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget:


Jira Data Center

The Report Builder for Jira Data Cneter provides two types of gadgets you can add to your dashboards:

  • Report Builder: Universal Report

  • Report Builder: Scripted Report

The following instructions detail how to add and configure these gadgets on an empty dashboard. The steps are the same for both new and existing dashboards.

Finding Available Gadgets

To locate the available gadgets, first click “Add gadget“ as illustrated on the screenshot below:

Make sure you’ve loaded all available gadgets:

To locate the available gadgets, use the search function on the Jira dashboard as illustrated in the screenshot below:

Once you've added a gadget, you'll need to configure it. Below, you'll find detailed steps on how to configure each type of gadget.

Universal Report

Adding the Gadget

To add the Universal Report gadget to your dashboard:

  1. Click the "Add gadget" button as shown in the screenshot below:

The Universal Report Gadget will appear on your dashboard based on the layout you've predefined for the dashboard.

2. Configure your report by applying data filters, selecting the visualisation type and style, and then save your report as shown below:

For further information on creating a Universal Report, follow the detailed guide linked here.

3. Once you've configured your report, remember to click the "save" button to finalize your changes:


4. Your report will be saved and automatically update the dashboard as shown below:


Editing the Gadget

To edit the gadget, click the "Edit" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget:


Deleting the Gadget

To delete the gadget, click the "Delete" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget:

Scripted Report Gadget

Adding the Gadget

To add the Scripted Report gadget to your dashboard:

  1. Click the "Add gadget" button as shown in the screenshot below:

The Scripted Report Gadget will appear on your dashboard based on the layout you've predefined for the dashboard.

2. Select which Scripted Report you'd like to add, as illustrated in the screenshot below:

You can choose from the scripted reports already available on your reports dashboard, or create a new report using gallery templates.

To add a pre-existing report, search for it under the "Scripted report" dropdown list as shown below:

To create a report from a gallery template, scroll down to the "gallery reports" list as shown below:


3. Once you've selected a report, adjust the report filtering options and click the "save" button:


4. Your configured dashboard should now look like the following:


Editing the Gadget

To edit the gadget, click the "Configure" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget::


Deleting the Gadget

To delete the gadget, click the "Delete" button located in the gadget settings dropdown list on the top right part of the gadget: