First-time launch, Interface and Modules

First-time launch, Interface and Modules

This guide will walk you through the Report Builder interface and its modules, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of its structure.

Launching the Application

Typically, you can access the application through a button located in the dropdown menu of your Jira Software or Jira Service Management. To find it, simply click on the 'Apps' button situated in the top menu.

How to start Report Builder


If the application is not visible in this dropdown menu, please reach out to your Jira Administrator for resolution.

Initial Launch

Upon launching the Report Builder for the very first time, you will be directed to a start page. This page offers an explanatory overview of the application's features and the actions you can perform within it.

Report Builder Welcome Page

Note that you can always return to Welcome Page by clicking Actonic logo button located in the left panel of the application.

Before you proceed with creating your first report, it's essential to familiarise yourself with the application's interface and modules. This knowledge will equip you with the necessary understanding to effectively navigate and utilise the Report Builder’s capabilities.

The next steps will provide you with a detailed overview of the interface and application modules to help you get started with report creation.

The Report Builder Modules Panel

As illustrated in the previous screenshot, the left panel of the Report Builder contains buttons that provide navigation to various modules of the application. Each module serves a dedicated purpose:

Report Builder Modules Navigation


Here's a detailed overview of the buttons as shown above:

  1. Actonic Logo button: Clicking this returns the user to the Report Builder Start Page.

  2. Plus Sign button: This button navigates the user to the Reports Gallery. Here, new reports can be created.

  3. Report Logo button: This navigates the user to the Reports Dashboard. On this dashboard, you can view and open all the reports you have created as well as reports shared with you. In addition, you can edit reports and modify access permissions to the reports you own from this module.

  4. Application Settings Button: This button opens Report Builder global settings screen, enabling application configuration.

Please notice Application Settings Button button is only available for Jira Administrators.

Each of these buttons serves as a navigational tool to make your use of the Report Builder more efficient and intuitive.

Create Report Module

Let’s image you’ve tapped the plus sign button and navigated to Create Report Module as shown below:

Create Report Screen Overview

At the very top of the screen is the reports navigation panel, which provides shortcuts to

  • "Create report" which routes you to the Report gallery, where you can see all available reports

  • "Shared reports" which takes you to a screen displaying reports that someone in your organization has shared with you

  • "My reports" with a list of reports that you have created yourself

On the top right of the screen a self-help panel is located. This panel allows you to immediately start with universal report or to create/import new script report in Creator mode. From the same panel you could also reach the documentation or raise a support ticket. You may also request a custom report to be developed by Actonic team using this panel.

The reports gallery located in the centre of the screen allows you to pick the report you would like to start with. Please notice the reports can be searched using the search panel or filtered by category. Please also notice small “reports gallery view settings” menu on the right side of the screen. This menu allows you to turn off and turn on automatic grouping of the report by their respective domain, and allows you to show the better versions of some Actonic reports:

Reports Gallery with reports beta-versions available

Please notice Reports Beta-versions are not formally approved by Actonic product management Team, and are considered to be out of scope for Actonic Support

Reports Dashboard Module

Report Dashboards module contains all the reports created by you, and shared with you.

To add reports into Jira Dashboards, please follow this guide.

Reports Dashboard Module is designed to be a home for all the reports you created and still manage as an owner, as well as for all the reports shared with you by other users.

Reports Dashboard Module - My Reports Tab

For each report listed, the following information is provided:

  1. Report Name

  2. Report Type: The type can either be Universal (Table, Bar Chart, Number, etc.) or Scripted.

  3. Last Modified Date: This indicates when the report was last updated.

  4. Access List: Displays which users, groups, and project members have view and/or edit permissions for the report.

  5. Actions: Here, you will find buttons that allow you to edit the report or delete it entirely.

By using the Reports Dashboard Module, you can efficiently manage and navigate through all your reports, making the task of report handling easier.

Other interface elements

This article only touches the basics of the application interface. To learn about all the interface elements and the they interact with each other, please follow the next guides on reports Gallery, Universal Report creation, ready-to-go reports creation, and reports sharing.