Work log attributes
Our work log attributes feature is a massive functionality that allows you to mark your work logs. The work log attributes can be used to organize the work logs, get reports with the specific filter and group combinations.
Work log attributes can help you to manage a big team, that works on multiple projects for multiple clients. You can easily create invoicing based on the work log attributes that relate to a specific customer for example by creating a āCustomer Aā attribute.
Work log attributes can be managed on the work logs tab. To see the list of existing attributes and manage them, please open this tab from the left navigation. You will see the work log attribute section with the list of work log attributes.
Currently, there is a toggle and checkbox work log attribute types. There is a system attribute that is called āBillableā. It is used to tag your work logs as billable or non-billable to separate your client work from internal work. Read more about billable hours: Billable worklog attribute
Rather see it in a video? Watch our tutorial:
Timesheet Builder: Custom Worklog Attributes | Worklog analysis | Actonic
How to manage worklog attributes?
In the Worklog attributes section you can manage the list of worklog attributes, available in your organization. You can create new attributes and manage existing.
Currently there are following worklog attribute types:
These types can be used to create worklog attributes such as "Overtime" or "Night shifts".
How to add new worklog attribute?
To add a new worklog attribute please click on the Add attribute button.
You will see modal dialog, where you can put title of new attribute and choose its type.
Type can be chosen by clicking on the Attribute type select list and choosing desired option.
By the default toggle and checkbox worklog attributes have two options: Yes and No. These options cannot be changed. You can select default option, which will appear for users as preselected, by clicking on desired option. Default option is highlighted blue.
To create attribute, click on Create or to stop creation process without saving, click on Cencel.
How to edit existing worklog attribute?
To edit an existing worklog attribute, please click on pencil icon near desired attribute.
On the opened dialog you can change title or choose another default option.
Please note, that
you cannot change worklog attribute type after creation
you cannot change title of system worklog attribute. Please read more Billable worklog attribute | How to manage the billable work log attribute?
How to delete a worklog attribute?
To delete a worklog attribute, please click on the recycle bin icon near desired worklog attribute.
To confirm your action, please click on Delete on opened dialog. To close the dialog, please click on Cancel.
Please note, that
deleted worklog attribute will be deleted from all teams, who use this attribute. It will not be possible to group or filter by this attriute and to see this attribute in worklogs, which contained it before deletion.
it is not possible to remove billable worklog attribute, as it is the system one.