Dates and periods

Dates and periods


Dates and periods tab is used to configure week start day, Date format.

Dates and periods tab can be also used to configure periods and capacity calculation related things. Periods are team associated. Periods are used to track team capacity in defined time frame (weekly or monthly).


How to set start day of the week (Monday or Sunday)?

Start Day (weekly) dropdown contains Monday and Sunday as possible working week start days. All calendars of Teams and My Timesheets modules inherit this data and display work week according to chosen option.

How to set date format?

Date Format field is used to change date format. You can type any of the existing date formats or choose one of the formats that are available as template in the calendar dropdown menu on the right side.

What date formats exist?

This is a standardized date format that is widely used in web development. It follows the format of "YYYY-MM-DD" for dates and "hh:mm:ss" for times.

Short date: This format is commonly used in user interfaces and follows the format of "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY", depending on the region.

Long date: This format includes the day of the week and follows the format of "dddd, MMMM DD, YYYY".

Time: This format is used to display time and follows the format of "hh:mm:ss".

Date and time: This format includes both the date and time and follows the format of "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss" or "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss", depending on the region.

Please kindly refer to ISO standard ISO - ISO 8601 — Date and time format

How to enable Periods function?

If your organization do not use periods strategy and work logs approvals done by period closure are not needed you can turn off this option by switching off Use periods and working approvals.

How to set periods duration?

Periods closure and capacity calculation can be done on weekly or monthly base. Periods Configuration radio group is used to set up required periods closure frequency.

How to set first period?

Periods Start Date is date in the first period. Starting from this period capacity is calculated and i is the first period, which can be viewed and closed for adding new work logs on behalf of selected team.

How to save applied changes?

Changes can be applied by clicking on Save button.

Please note, that as all the settings on this tab affect capacity calculation, it is a breacking change and periods will be recalculated. App will ask you to confirm this action by typing Confirm word in the imput field.