Report Permissions guide

Report Permissions guide


With this guide, you can quickly configure different permission levels and roles in Report Builder. Read this guide and find out what the permissions and roles are and how to set them up correctly and easily.

Different Permission levels

You can set the following permissions for every single report:

  • Owner: Define who manages the report and can make changes to it.

  • Viewer: Define who can only view the report.

  • Editor: Define who can view and edit the report.

How to configure permissions

Open the Report Builder section in your Jira and navigate to the Reports module. Then, locate your previously created report in the My Reports tab or create a new report in the Create report tab.

Permissions configuration for a Universal report

Open the report and find the lock image at the top right corner (find it circled in red on the picture below). Click on it and open the Report Permissions window.


Permissions settings button for a Universal report


Report Permissions window for a Universal report

Here is an overview of the Report Permissions parameters which you can set:

Permission Name

Default Value


Permission Name

Default Value



Creator’s name

In this field, you can change the report owner's name if you want to pass the ownership to someone else.

— View Access


With this permission, users can only view the report.

Select the user type from the dropdown menu (Project, Group, User, Public, Private) and then find a suitable name for the project, group, or user in the dropdown selection list next to it. Click the Add button and see which users you are assigning this permission to in the row below.

Public: means that all users will have this permission.

Private: means that nobody has this permission except you.

— Edit Access


This permission allows users to view and edit the report.

Select the user type from the dropdown menu (Project, Group, User, Public, Private) and then find a suitable name for the project, group, or user in the dropdown selection list next to it. Click the Add button and see which users you are assigning this permission to in the row below.

Public: means that all users will have this permission.

Private: means that nobody has this permission except you.

You can delete any added permissions by the Delete button with a bucket image.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the Report Permissions window when all parameters are set.

Permissions configuration for a Calendar report

Open the report and find a settings button at the top right corner (find it circled in red on the picture below).


Permissions settings button for a Calendar report

Click on it, choose Permissions in the dropdown menu, and see the Report Permissions window. It has the same form and fields as the Report Permissions window for a Universal report, so you can use the same parameters for settings from the table above.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the Report Permissions window to save your settings.

Permissions configuration for a Scripted report

Open the report and find the Edit button at the top right corner (find it circled in red on the picture below).


Edit button for a Scripted report


Click on it and you’ll see the report settings page with some tabs — choose the Permissions tab.

Report Permissions section for a Scripted report

At the top of the page, you see the Get Shared Link button. Click on it and you’ll get the link to the report which you can send to your colleagues.

Find below what parameters you can set for the Scripted Report Permissions:

Permission Name

Default Value


Permission Name

Default Value



Creator’s name

In this field, you can change the report owner's name if you want to pass the ownership to someone else.

Report Builder Export visibility


Define who will see the report: all projects or specified projects only. You can select your option from the dropdown menu.



— View Access


With this permission, users can only view the report.

Select the user type from the dropdown menu (Project, Group, User, Public, Private) and then find a suitable name for the project, group, or user in the dropdown selection list next to it. Click the Add button and see which users you are assigning this permission to in the row below.

Public: means that all users will have this permission.

Private: means that nobody has this permission except you.

— Edit Access


This permission allows users view and edit the report.

Select the user type from the dropdown menu (Project, Group, User, Public, Private) and then find a suitable name for the project, group, or user in the dropdown selection list next to it. Click the Add button and see which users you are assigning this permission to in the row below.

Public: means that all users will have this permission.

Private: means that nobody has this permission except you.

You can delete any added permissions by the Delete button with a bucket image.

Click the Save button at the top right corner of the Report Permissions page when all parameters are set.


When you set permissions for some users, they will see the report at the Shared tab of the Reports module start page:

Shared tab of the Reports Module start page


That’s it! Now you can set all the permissions for your reports as per your business needs!