Delete team

Delete team

How to delete the team?

To delete the team, please click on “Delete team” in the side navigation.

Cloud and Data Center (teams with public work logs visibility)

You will be asked if you are sure and want to process. To confirm team deletion, please click on “Confirm”. If you want to review your action, please click on “Cancel”.

After clicking on “Confirm”, you will be notified, that the team is deleted.

But don’t worry: The work logs that have been created by your team members and are currently assigned to the team will still be there and can be found in the tickets and reports.

Please note, that this action is irreversible.

Data Center (teams with secured work logs visibility)

As your team is secured, you might need the option to keep team work logs unavailable.

You will be asked to choose if you want to delete all associated work logs or convert them to public.

Please select one of the options and confirm your action by clicking on the checkbox “Yes, I confirm that I want to delete this team irreversible.“

Please click on “Confirm” to start the deletion or converting action. If you are not sure, please click “Cancel”.

Please note, that this action is irreversible.