Holiday calendar subsection

Holiday calendar subsection


In the team schedule section, you can apply the changes related to the team members' holiday calendar.

You can also decide if your team members are allowed to add personal non-working days to the team or not.

How to choose the default holiday calendar?

To edit any setting, please start applying changes in a field you want to change.

You can choose the necessary calendar in the drop-down menu.

Use cases

The default holiday calendar is applied to each new user in the team. If you add a new member, the default holiday calendar is preselected in the creation window. It’s the most time-saving option.

If most of your team members are in the same location, you can choose the respective global holiday calendar that has saved all the public holidays, so this calendar is preselected in the “Add member” tab.

How to restrict adding personal non-working days?

To restrict adding personal days, make sure that the “Allow team members to add personal non-working days“ checkbox is unmarked.

Use cases

If your team logs vacation and other leaves on some technical issue in a technical project, you might be interested in this option. If you unmark the checkbox, the system will prevent adding personal non-working days. Now the days will have the usual capacity, and no overbookings will appear if your team member adds a technical work log to a technical ticket.