Report Builder: "How to export and import a Scripted Report" guide


Do you want to import a Scripted Report easily and quickly? Without any problems and with the best options? Then this guide is just what you need!

Required permissions

Make sure that you have Scripted Reports Creator permission to have access to the special export/import menu.


Report Export

1. Step: Open the Report Builder section in your Jira and navigate to the Reports module. After that, choose the Scripted Report which you want to import on the Create Report, My Reports or Shared reports tab, and click on it.

2. Step: Find the Export button at the top right corner of the report page, click on it and choose Export JSON.

The Report Export button

You’ll see the Export JSON window with the report code.

Report Import

1. Step: Click on the Copy button to copy the code to the clipboard, and after that, close the window by clicking on the Close button.
Note: Alternatively, you may need to open a JSON file provided to you by Actonic or your colleagues, and copy it’s content.

2. Step: Open the Report Builder section in Jira and navigate to the Reports module. Find the <…> button at the top right corner on this page, click on it and choose Import Scripted Report from JSON.



After that, you will see a popup window JSON Import with an empty field.


5. Step: Paste the report code to the field and click the Import button.


Done! Your report is imported and displayed in the reports list on the My reports tab.