Column filter

Column filter


The “Column filter” feature allows filtering the data in the table columns based on a set of predefined conditions.

Add filter

To add a filter to a column, please click on filter icon, which appears on the right side in header cell, if you hover your cursor to it.


You can choose a condition, type value and unselect some checkboxes. Unselected content will not be shown.


Click on “OK“ to apply filtering.

Save filters

Filters are saved automatically. If you apply a filter, it will be available during the session even if you reload the page or open another page and navigate back.

No additional actions are required to save the applied filters.

Please note, that all filters are applied on your personal level. It means, that if you apply any filter, your colleague will see the original table content without any filters.

Manage filters

Once you apply a filter, you can see “manage filter“ button available.

The Inline Table Editing app provides possibility to publish table excluding or deleting hidden filtered rows. If you click on “Remove filtered hidden rows“ button, hidden rows will be remoed from the table.


Or use Remove filter option described below.

Remove filter

There are multiple options, how to remove filtering. You can either click on “Remove filter and sorting” button in the top menu or “revert“ changes back.

Remove filter and sorting icon

With a simple click, the filtering can be removed again.

Revert changes back

You can open filter again and set condition to None, click on Select all and click on OK.


If filter function is not available for a table, please kindly check if this option is activated.
Please find more:
Macro settings | How to open macro settings?
Macro settings | Filters

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