Notifications & Announcements

Notifications & Announcements


When you are working with Jira or Confluence, you leave some personal information in the system: names, e-mails etc. Users have to know exactly what this data is used for, and they also have to agree with a privacy policy agreement. The company has to keep track of the data as well. So, we’ve built this module for this purpose. In addition, you have the possibility to create multiple announcements, in relation to other subjects. Enable your project admin or system admin to inform users of upcoming events, or other information that affects projects, all without any coding!

Read our guide and find out how to easily create announcements, agreements, and other privacy notifications in Jira and Confluence step-by-step.

Feel like watching a video? Click here for a detailed tutorial on how to create an impressive Jira announcement in no time:


Notifications & Announcements Dashboard

Find the Apps tab on the top of the start page, click on it and choose the Data Protection and Security Toolkit in the dropdown menu. After that, you’ll see the Data Protection and Security Toolkit Home page where you’ll find the Policies, Agreements, Notifications & Announcements section with the Configure announcements button. Click on it and view the Notifications & Announcements Dashboard.

It is the main page where an administrator can manage all announcements. You can quickly enable or disable the announcement using toggle in the Enabled column. For an enabled announcement, you will see the toggle highlighted in green. This announcement is active and displayed for users now.

Notifications & Announcements Dashboard


How to create an announcement

You can create an announcement with a template. To do so, click on the Create from template button and pick the Private Policy predefined template. Alternatively, you can create a new announcement by clicking the Create button. After that, you’ll see the Configuration page. The configuration of a new announcement consists of two tabs: General and Additional configuration.

Let’s take a look at it in detail.

General configuration

General configuration

Here is an overview of General configuration parameters which you can set:


Default Value



Default Value




Set the announcement status. Tick the box when the announcement settings are finished. Note, that only enabled announcements will be shown to users.



Choose the type of the announcement: Optional or Required.

Optional means users can accept or decline your policy, agreement or any other notification.

Required means users have no other option than to click a specific button, for example “Yes“, “Accept“, etc.



Enter the name of the announcement. It’s an internal name that will be visible for administrators only.



Enter the title of the announcement. The title will be visible for all users.

Main text


Enter the content which will be visible for users.

You can use a toolbar for text formatting. Set the text type, size, selecting by bold, italics, underlined etc. You can also add some pictures, for example the logo of your company.


Additional configuration

Here is an overview of Additional configuration parameters which you can set:


Default Value



Default Value


Show for group


Define who will see the announcement: all users or a specified group only. If a group is selected, only users from this group will be able to see the announcement.

Leave empty to show to all the users.

Show notification for projects/spaces


You can define projects in Jira and spaces in Confluence for which the announcement will be displayed. If any project/space is selected, only users from this project/space will be able to see the announcement.

Leave this field empty to show the announcement to all the users.

Window size


Choose the suitable window size:

  • Small – for a small popup window with just a few lines of announcement/notification

  • Medium – default popup window size, fits for the most announcements/notifications

  • Large – big window for a popup window with 2/3 of the screen size

  • X-Large – maximum size of a popup window for long read announcements/notifications

Text for accept


Define the text that users will see when clicking on the accept button, for example, “Accept“ or “Yes“. You can leave it empty and the text “Accept” will be shown by default.

Text for decline


Define the text that users will see when clicking on the decline button, for example, “Decline“ or “No“. You can leave it empty and the text “Decline” will be shown by default.

Click on the Save button at the top of the page when all parameters are set, and you’ll see the Dashboard again.


How to create an announcement from a template

Navigate to the Notifications & Announcements Dashboard and click on the Create from template button. After that, choose the predefined template from the dropdown menu – Privacy Policy template.

It’s an optional announcement with some predefined title and body. Check the Policy text and correct it before enabling the announcement – it is just an example.

You can change the parameters of this template if it’s necessary. Click on the Save button at the top of the page after all your changes.


At the Notifications & Announcements Dashboard, you see all your created announcements. To view the announcement accepting/declining statistics, click on the Statistics button in the top-right corner of the Dashboard page.

After that, you’ll see the Statistics page with these fields:

  • User

  • Announcement

  • Date from

  • Date to

Select User and Announcement, and see who accepted or rejected the announcement and when it happened. You can set exact dates if you want to narrow your search.

Announcement Actions menu

At your Notifications & Announcements Dashboard, there is the Action column with settings button. Click on it, and you will see the Actions menu. Using it, you can navigate to the edit page, clear statistics or delete the announcement.

If you want to clear the statistics and display the announcement again for users after they have accepted or rejected it, use the Clear Statistics option. This announcement will then be shown again for everyone who has already accepted or declined it.

If needed, you can delete this announcement using the Actions menu/Delete option.

Use cases

Various policies and agreements to be shown to users:

  • Privacy policy

  • Information security policy

  • Cookie policy


Notifications (including maintenance notifications):

  • Major changes in the application

  • Upcoming maintenance

  • Rules of conduct

  • Information about pandemic regulations

  • Deadlines and friendly reminders

  • Different news for different groups of users (divide audiences by selecting the “Show for group” or “Show for project/space“ option)

    • For example, show your US employees some love for Independence Day


Find more inspiration on how to use the announcement banner in our article.


Free Privacy Policy Generator

Still looking for the perfect text for your privacy policy? Then we suggest this free tool to you, without any obligation: https://www.freeprivacypolicy.com/free-privacy-policy-generator/
The generator can help you to fulfill the requirements of GDPR, CCPA and Co.

After creating the text, however, you should get a professional review to ensure that it is legally secure.
The finished text is also provided to you as HTML code, which you can insert on any page of your website.