Team dashboard

Team dashboard


The team dashboard contains a list of existing teams.

You can filter the list of teams by membership, team lead, or keywords in the team name or in the description.

Permissions to view the team list

  • If you have the “Teams global administrators“ permissions according to the Timesheet Builder configuration settings, you will see the list of all teams in your organization. With this role you can also create a new team.

  • If you have “Team managers“ permissions according to the Timesheet Builder configuration settings, you will see only teams, where you are the team lead. Usually Team managers role is assigned to team leads. With this role you can also create a new team.

  • If you have “view team members work logs”, “manage team members work logs” or “manage this team” permissions as part of a custom role in a team, you will see this team in the list.

  • If you are a regular team member, who uses the Timesheet Builder app for personal time tracking only, you will see an empty page, as you are not permitted to view team members' time.

How to create a new team?

To create a new team, please

  1. Click on the “Create Team”-button at the top

  1. Type team name

  2. Choose team lead
    By default current user is preselected, but you can choose any other user in the drop-down menu.
    Please note, that if you select another user, you will not have access to the team after its creation. If you are going to set some team settings and hand over the team management after that, we would suggest changing the team lead afterward and selecting you (current user) as a team lead.

  3. Data Center: Set work log visibility (Public or secured)

Please note, that:

  • the work log visibility setting cannot be changed after team creation.

  • currently, the secured work log option is only available for the Data Center.

Please read more about secured worklog visibility https://actonic.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/6962806820

  1. Click “Create” to create the team or click “Cancel” to discard the process