Who is Online for JIRA (Server / Data Center)

Who is Online for JIRA (Server / Data Center)


What does "Who is online?" mean in Jira? How to know who is online and why should you know it?
All these questions have one answer. "Who is online" is an app in Jira showing all the users watching at the same time at the same ticket. It has the following functionalities:

  • Shows all the actively watching users for the same ticket

  • Updates the list of users during the chosen period on the app configuration page

  • Exclude group(s) of users to be shown in the list on the app configuration page

  • Avoid overheads because of repeatedly working on the same task

App implementation, configuration and usage - first steps 

App implementation & configuration

In order to have the functionality integrated in Jira boards or tickets, the first corresponding configuration should be made:

  • Login with Admin credentials.

  • Click on the "Options" button near the user icon.

  • Choose the "Add-ons" option as follows:

  • Once the page has loaded successfully, select the "Manage apps" section as follows:

  • Choose "Who is Online for Jira". The page should open in the view below:

  • Click on the "Configure" button. The following page with current configurations is opened. As shown on the image below, the online members should be shown in the '"issue header menu" and the users list can be updated with the "Medium" frequency.

The corresponding view with the above configuration is as follows:

  • Change the "Panel location" option value to "People section" and click on the "Apply" button:

Configuring frequency

  • The users list update frequency can be changed to "High", "Medium" or "Low"

    • The "High" frequency updates the ticket in the most frequent way: most likely real-time connections are made to show the users list

    • The "Medium" updates from time to time

    • The "Low" updates the users list in a very slow manner.

  • Please take into consideration the following during the configuration setup:

    • Using "Low" as a Request frequency is recommended when having servers with high-level activities. 

    • Using "High" as a Request frequency property value may affect the server performance. 

Excluding groups

  • The "Exclude group(s)" option is used to exclude chosen groups to be viewed in the active users list. Multiple groups can be selected to be excluded from viewing the users list as follows:

App usage - different scenarios

When you have configured the application to show the users in either the "Issue header menu" or the "People section", proceed as follows to use the app.

  • When only the user is online and watching for a ticket, the users list will be shown as follows for the "Issue header menu" configuration:

  • When only the user is online and watching for the specified ticket, the users list will be shown as follows for the "People section" configuration:

  • When multiple users are online and watching for the specified ticket, the users list will be shown as follows for "Issue header menu" configuration:


  • When multiple users are online and watching for the specified ticket, the users list will be shown as follows for the "People section" configuration:

The specified user profile can be shown by hovering over the username in the users list:

  • In the people's section, it has the following view:

  • In the issue header menu, it has the following view:

Please note that if a user is in the excluded group, he/she is online and watching the ticket, then he/she will not be displayed as online in the users list for other users.

In order to figure out if a user is online/offline, you are required to view the user's profile by clicking on their name. The following screenshots show the user's status.

  • for the same user's profile when the user is online:

  • for another user's profile when the user is online:

  • if a user is offline the view will be: