Notifications & Announcements

Notifications & Announcements

Table of contents:


Using Jira, you leave some personal information in the system: names, e-mails and so on...Users have to know exactly what the data is used for and have to agree with a privacy policy agreement. The company has to keep track of it as well. So we’ve built this module for that purpose. You have also the possibility to create multiple announcements, in relation to other subjects. Enable your project admin or system admin to inform users of upcoming events, or other information that affects projects, all without any coding!

Notification and Announcements Dashboard

It is the main page where an administrator can manage all announcements

How to create an announcement

Click the “Create” button to create a new empty announcement:

General configuration


Default value



Default value




Only enabled announcements will be shown to users

Name (required)


Name of the announcement to be shown on the Announcement Dashboard. It will be visible to Administrators only.



Required means that everyone has to agree to this announcement before further using Jira

Optional means that the user can accept or decline the announcement

Title (required)


The title of the announcement. It will be available as a dialog title and visible to users.

Main text (required)


The body of the announcement. It will be available as dialog content and visible to users.

Additional configuration


Default value



Default value


Show for group


If any group selected, only users from this group will be able to see the announcement.

Leave empty to show to all the users.

Allow user's feedback


If checked, users will see single-line input to put some feedback on the announcement. An administrator can check all feedbacks on the statistics page. The field has 128 chars maximum length limit.

Show announcement for

Only logged in users

  • “Only logged in users” - show the announcement to authenticated (logged-in) users only.

  • “Only anonymous users (not logged in)” - show the announcement for not authenticated users (anonymous) on the login page and similar pages.

Display type

Dialog in the screen center

  • “Dialog in the screen center” - show announcement as a standard popup dialog, centered on the screen

  • “Footer banner at the bottom” - show announcements as a small panel at the bottom of the screen. It perfectly fits cookie policies and similar.

Window size


  • Small - for a small popup window with just a few lines on announcement/notification

  • Medium - default popup window size, fits for the most announcements/notifications

  • Large - big window for a popup window with 2/3 of screen size

  • Extra Large - maximum size of a popup window for long read announcements / notifications

Pin to footer


If checked, the link to the announcement will be shown in the footer on most of Jira pages. User will be able to check policy / announcement /notification again and read it carefully.

Text for accept button


Text to be displayed on “accepted” button. Change the text, for example, for multilanguage support.

Text for decline button


Text to be displayed on “decline” button. Change the text, for example, for multilanguage support.

Start date


If defined, the announcement will be shown starting from this date only. Leave empty to start showing instantly.

End date


If defined, the announcement will be shown starting from this date only. Leave empty to start showing instantly.

How to create an announcement from template

We have two predefined templates for most popular announcement types:

  • Privacy Policy template, an optional announcement with some predefined title and body. An administrator should change it before publishing! It is just an example.

  • Cookie Policy template, an optional announcement with some predefined title and body for most popular cookie policy examples. It will be shown at the bottom of the page.


See the statistics by clicking on the statistic button.

You can filter results by a particular announcement/notification, or a user. All the results could be exported to a CSV file.

Use cases

Various policies and agreements to be shown to users:

  • Privacy policy

  • Information security policy

Notifications (including maintenance notifications):

  • Major changes in the application

  • Upcoming maintenance

  • Different news for different groups of users (divide audiences, by selecting “Show for group” option)



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