Access Statistics for Confluence

Access Statistics for Confluence


Access Statistics tracks and stores all page views for every user, including anonymous ones. It keeps statistics for 30 days by default, this period is configurable.

Find out who has accessed spaces and pages with just one click!

Access Statistics page

Open the Confluence administration section using the settings button at the right top corner and choose any item in the dropdown menu. After that, you will see the sidebar — find the Data Protection and Security Toolkit section and the Access Statistics module in it. Click on it and view the Access Statistics page.

The module can be activated/deactivated by a Confluence administrator in the Data Protection and Security Toolkit for Confluence settings section.

Filtering options

Access Statistics page

To view the statistics, select a user, space, or page of some space, and you’ll see the results table. Set some dates if you want to narrow your search, and after this, click on the Filter button in the top right corner.

Let's look at filter parameters in detail:

Parameter Name

Default Value


Parameter Name

Default Value




Select a username from the dropdown menu. If this field is filled in, then the Space and the Page fields are not active.



Select a space name from the dropdown menu. If this field is filled in, then the User field is not active.



Firstly, select a space name in the Space field and then select a page name from the dropdown menu. If this field is filled in, then the User field is not active.

Date from


You can leave this field empty or set the start date for your search.

Date to


You can leave this field empty or set the end date for your search.

Sort by

Date descending

Select a sorting type from the dropdown menu to organize your results by:

  • date descending

  • date ascending

  • user

The filter results will be shown in a table format. In this table, you can see when there was a page or space view (Date column), what space was viewed (Space column), what page was viewed (Page column), who has access to this content (User column), user’s IP address (IP Address column), and a view type (Type column). This tool distinguishes between a browser call that was made by any browser and a REST call that was made by a 3rd party application.

To start new filtering, just click on the Clear button in the top right corner and select another user, or space.

Export results

You can export your statistics in a CSV format by the CSV button in the top right corner.


Now, you are ready to monitor all page views in your Confluence!