Known issues

Known issues



User mention cannot be added


Ability to address comment to someone using the @sign is missing.


There are some limitations of Confluence API.


Unfortunately, this feature is not available in the app. Implementation of such a function has some unwanted side effects due to limitation of Confluence API.

Comment cannot be added to unsaved content


It is not possible to add comment to just added and unsaved content.


We use standard REST to create/edit inline comments, created by Atlassian. The mechanism of inline comments creation is following: the phrase that we have selected is searched for in the content of the page, but since the content is new, then in fact it is not existing in Confluence and therefore an error appears.


Unfortunately, this feature is not available in the app. You can save the content first, after that comment adding will be available for the content.

Collaborative mode limitations


  1. In collaborative mode (editing a page with a colleague in parallel), if a user opens inline comments by clicking on Show comments button, other users who are working on the page at the same time see comments highlights as well.

  2. If a user scrolls through the page in collaborative mode, where inline comments are added, inline comments reserve place on the right side, so text layout in edit mode is changed.


We work with standard Atlassian collaborative mode. It relates to editor limitations. In edit mode any changes are visible to everyone.


Unfortunately, this behavior occurs in the collaborative mode and there are technical limitations related to the Atlassian editor. Since the problem requires a comprehensive approach, unfortunately, we cannot give a time estimate for fix.