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The Data Protection and Security Toolkit cloud version is in development. For Server / DC functionality, check out Also, you could find a comparison between Server / DC / Cloud versions here Difference between app versions for Server, Data Center and Cloud |
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Many companies are under the misconception that GDPR/DSGVO only applies to them if they have physical establishments in the EU. In reality, GDPR/DSGVO applies to any company operating in the EU, regardless of its physical presence, and companies processing personal data of individuals in the EU, irrespective of their nationality. You can also read our article that explains and compares Data Privacy Laws. |
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The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was enacted on January 1, 2020, to protect any personal information that could be linked to California residents. So if you rule an entity that is in California or collects, shares or sells personal data of Californian residents, AND if these apply to your company:
you must be CCPA-compliant. |
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Explicitly for healthcare, the U.S. has passed a law called HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability) in 1996. Companies working in healthcare, healthcare providers such as hospitals, doctors, or even government programs such as Medicare, should check if their Jira and Confluence instance is HIPAA-compliant. You can do the HIPAA-compliance check here. |
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You can also read our article that explains and compares Data Privacy Lawsall over the world. And if you’re still not sure whether you should comply to certain guidelines, this might help: What is PII in general? |
Data protection and security has been an ongoing topic in business operations for years. But as soon as you seem to have a clear picture of what’s going on, there are new regulations and updates. So, is this a Sisyphean task? Not at all!
So, if you want to rely on risk-free, data protection, find any PII types and also archived users and projects, this app is the one and only solution for you.
The only all-in-one
solution for any data
protection requirement
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Interested in other good stuff? Have Discover more information about Data Security, Data Residency and more in simple terms in our knowledge base! Also have a look at our regularly updated articles about Data Security in general, compliance in Jira, CCPA updates, GDPR requirements, comparisons, guides and more: Data Security Articles. |
Currently, we have 2 main modules for different Data protection needs in the Cloud Version: