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Table of Contents

General information

This Configuration tab allows to manage and limit access to visibility of Timesheet Builder app (for Data Center only) or to the Teams or My Timesheet moduleTimesheets modules. Each setting is applied separately, so if you want to provide access to the Teams module to a Jira group and would like to hide the My Timsheets module for this group, you can easily do it.


How to set the target visibility for Timesheet Builder app? (Data Center)

To limit restrict access to the whole application, you can choose select the Jira groups , who that should be able to use the Timesheet Builder app in from the Timesheet Builder visibility dropdownvisibility drop-down menu.


If you restrict visibility of the whole app, only specific (selected) groups will see the app in the top menu.



Please note, this option is available in Data Center only.

How to set the target visibility for the Teams module?

To limit restrict access to only the Teams module only, you can choose select the Jira groups , who that should be able to use the module in from the Teams module visibility dropdown.drop-down menu.


How to set target visibility for the My Timesheets module?

To limit restrict access to only the My Timesheets module only, you can choose select the Jira groups , who that should be able to use the module in from the My Timesheets module visibility dropdowndrop-down menu.


How to apply the changes?

To apply the changes, please click on Save buttonChanges are saved automatically.