List view of a project in Jira
Cannot log time from the list view of issues in a project (Cloud only)
If you navigate to Issues in the list view and try to log time by clicking on Log work from three dots near an issue, you are redirected to an empty page with the following error message:
Start time of an edited work log changes autmatically
If a work log is edited, start time is changed even if an actor does not change it manually.
This problem occurs during periods close to daylight savings time.
We strongly recommend to use GMT Offset and set time as GMT+N in user’s profile.
Custom JQL (Data Center only)
Returns more results
If you search for issues, where worklogs were added to a specific date (chosen data range contains one day only), you may get extra results.
sWorklogDate >= 2023-07-11 and sWorklogDate <= 2023-07-11
sWorklogDate = 2023-07-11
If you create a complex JQL with multiple functions, you may get extra results.
Sometime expressions return more search results as expected, as Jira considers them all as correct results.
Unfortunately, as it correlate with current Jira logic, there is no workaround or resolution at the moment.