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The app provides opportunities for administrators to create notifications that are sent to all logged in users on the instance.

Notification Announcement is shown as a modal dialog in the middle. This message is shown only one time and user provides a response to this notification. Once user responded, modal dialog closes and does not appear for this user again. Notification Message appears when user opens an issue or a dashboard.


You can access the list of notificationsannouncements, where you provided an answer, if you open Notificatons for Jira Advanced Announcements from the Apps dropdown in the top menu.


Once you open the app, you will see home part. In this view you can see name of the app in the top left corner. In the top right corner you will see buttons to create a new notification announcement or three dots with the options to read documentation or to contact support.


You will see left menu with the list of notifications created to other people (Notifications Announcements to others), and which you are permitted to see. As an admin you can see all global announcementsmessages, created by other admins, and all project announements.

The second tab is used to review your answers (My responses).


Notifications Announcements to others: you can see table with existing notifications. If there are not any notificationsannouncements, you will see empty space.


To access the statistics, please kindly click on Statistics button in te top right corner near Create notification announcement button.


You will get the list of all replies to notifications you are permitted to see. This list contains all the replies, but ou can filter the list to get necessary information. You can filter by users, notification announcement names, or select a time frame, when users provided their responses.


To close Statistics page, please click on Back to home on the top right corner.


Managing existing



If you have any notifications, you will see the table that contains following columns:
Name - shows name of the notificationannouncement. It is an internal name and not a notification header, that is shown to user.
Enabled - contains toggles. Here you can enable or disable notifications messages without opening edit of the notification. Please note that only enabled notifications announcements are shown to users.
Project - contains scope, where announcement will be displayed.
Notification Announcement author - contains user, who created this notification. If there are some notifications announcements created by another admins, you will also see them in the list.
Notifications Announcement audience - type of notification. Will be always Project.message. You can see either Project or Admin. You, as an admin, can see all admin and project announcements.
Options - contains three dots near each notification message and has following options: Edit and Delete. Please read more about each option below.




an announcement

To edit a notification, please kindly click on three dots in Options column near desired notificationannouncement. You will see drop-down list, please click on Edit.


You will be redirected to steps, where you can change any field. Please kindly apply desired changes on General or Display options steps and clicking on Next button navigate to the last step that is called Review and click on Save. Once you save your updated notification, you will be redirected to the home view.



an announcement

To remove a notification, please kindly click on three dots in Options column near desired notificationmessage. You will see drop-down list, please click on Delete.


Creating a notification

To create a new notification, please kindly click on Create notification announcement in the top right corner in the home page.


If you click “Back to home page“, you will be redirected back to the main page with the list of created notificationsannouncements.


Also, you can change the name of notification. This name will be shown to you in the ist of notifications messages and on the statistics page. To change the name, please click on default notification announcement name, that is shown next to “Notifications for Jira “Advanced Announcements /” in the top left corner.


Below you can see the steps to create notification. On the first step, that is called General, please select notification announcement type. You can select between modal dialog in the screen center and a flag in the bottom left corner.



Please note, that if you select modal dialog type, this notification will be shown in issues or on dashboard only. So, this notification message will be shown, when user opens an issue from the selected scope.

Please note, that if you select flag type, flag will not close after 8 seconds (as Jira standard flags). They will appear as long as it is pending for user’s answer


On the Scope tab you can select if you would like to create a project or a global notificationannouncement. Project notification can be edited by project admin. Project admin can also access statistics of responses of project announcements. If you would like to create a notificationmessage, which can be edited and reviewed by admins, please create a global announcement. Audience (global or project) can be selected in Audience radio buttons section.

Below please select project where your notification message will be shown. For global notification you may leave this field empty, and for project announcment there should be at least one selected project.

Also, you can select target users, who will see the notificationmessage.

Please select During selected period in Display time, if you would like to limit display of the notificationannouncement, so it is shown during the selected period.


On Review step you can see overall information about rules how your notification will be shown and you can also leave this notification announcement enabled, so users can get them, or you can switch toggle OFF, and your notification message will not be shown now.


To save the notificationannouncement, please click Save below. You will be redirected to home view, where you will see created notification.

To review the notificationmessage, please click on Preview in a new tab. Your notification will be opened in a new tab.
