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Step 1: Open the Date Cleaner Dashboard and select Anonymize Users.


New User Anonymizer.



Step 2: In the next screen, you will click on Anonymize data.


see this Dashboard:


Step 3: Then, you can start typing any user’s name (here, Lucas Miller) to select the Source user, the person whose content you want to anonymize. You can also select already deactivated users. After that, you can choose a Target user to take the place of the source user after anonymization.

As target user, you can either select an already existing user, or you can create your own dummy user, which will then take over the ownership.

Click on Continue.



Now, you can either start the anonymization as it is our you can select the custom anonymization:



Step 4: Now, you define the scope or the object you want to anonymize. Make sure to hit the checkmark on Include all related content, to not miss any relevant content.


can again select the dry run or the direct anonymization and click on Next.



Step 5: In this step, you’re not yet able to pick some post anonymization options . These features will be implemented later.


should select your Source User and Target User again. Click on Next.


Step 6: If you want to disable the selected user before the anonymization starts, here’s the point to do so. Then, click on Anonymize.


It’s time to further define the Scope of the projects, which will then be anonymized. Make sure to hit the checkmark to Include all ticket related content, to not miss any relevant content. You can also search for users in projects that are already achieved!





These options will work properly only for internal users. If users are synchronized with an Active Directory, there may be complications due to the permissions of the Active Directory. All user data on the Jira side will be deleted, but there is no option to delete the data on Active Directory sides as well. Please keep this in mind when selecting these options.

Step 7: Before the process begins, we'll give you an overview of everything that will happen afterwards. Transparently, you can see which user will be replaced by which user and which scope you have selected for the space or project.





Please keep in mind that anonymization cannot simply be undone. Only if you are absolutely sure about this process, you should perform the anonymization.

At this point, it is necessary to check the box Yes, I confirm that I want to anonymize the data irreversibly.

Hit Anonymize to start the process.



Step 8: When the process is finished, you can navigate to the overview page. It shows you what exactly has been anonymized in your space.


will see the results like this:



Congratulations, with a few clicks, you have transferred the ownership of one user to another .and deactivated him at the same time!

If you have further questions, we are happy to help you.
